Attachment Parenting Thoughts
Belief in baby’s cries doesn’t mean that babies will never cry.
While I believe that my children are communicating with me, the answer (with an older baby or child) is sometimes no.
Meeting a baby or child’s needs doesn’t mean giving them everything they want.
Attachment parenting should be intuitive, not hard and miserable.
Attachment parenting doesn’t mean that the parents aren’t in charge anymore or don’t discipline.
Attachment parenting is about the ideals set forth by Dr. Sears, not cloth diapering, organic eating, or wooden toys (as great as all those things may be). That’s Natural Family Living. And not all parents interested in being AP are going to be interested in Natural Family Living. Don’t try to force them.
Amen and Amen. I whole-heartedly agree. Too often parents who follow the attachment-parenting model make it a list of "must-dos" when it's really a mindset. The rest of the blog post I've just quoted can be found here. Dr Sear's Baby B's are well-described here. What Dr Sears says attachment parenting is NOT is here. And what are the benefits of this parenting style? Check them out here.
Its not just attachment parenting that people feel they need to list their "must dos" off to you, i have found it more and more in everyday parenting. Everyone does it differently and everyone will make mistakes at some stage. We might not agree with with the way that someone does something, but it doesnt mean that its wrong. Every day is different with kids, so what is good for you one day, may not be so good the next. Argh - how boring life would be if we all did everything exactly the same!!
So true. So true!
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