Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Kitchen Tip Tuesday: Menu Mailer

Do you struggle to plan a healthy but varied menu each week? Do you plan the main meal but can't work out what sides to cook? Well, guess what?! That's ME!! I am really bad at making up a weekly menu and I can never quite get all the side dishes right. So, in enters my new favourite meal planner....Saving Dinner.

Recently I bought the Summer Edition of the Frugal Menu Mailer e-book (we are in Australia so our seasons are "upside down" *grin*) and in the past month Matthew & I have been enjoying some of the most healthy and refreshing meals. We've seen an increase in our vegetable consumption, the meals are seasonal and as such the produce I'm buying is cheapest....and bonus a lot of them are amazingly fast to prepare!

For more kitchen tips vist Tammy's Recipes.

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